Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Starting Almost Completely Over

Back in April, as I was getting ready to make my usual emails to my contacts at schools and colleges, my email account was hacked and Yahoo! decided to delete it, which erased all of the records of my life of the past 11 years, along with all of my photos, my contacts, and the personal calendar that I kept on Yahoo!. 

With that happening, I still have had a fair amount of public "speaking" gigs, but not nearly as many as I'd like.  I'm going to start emailing schools in Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati to try and get back into the swing of things and to gain some interest.

My new email is BJFritz21@yahoo.com if anyone is looking to contact me, and I'm still very interested and very involved in presenting because it helps to give my life meaning.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Getting Organized For The Year

It's always a bummer to see summer coming to an end, but I'm always happy about getting back into the routine of scheduling my presentations and traveling to schools to make a difference.

I'm also excited about football season getting back into gear on all levels, but especially the Bengals, and here's to life without Carson.

Hopefully my calendar can keep filling up so that I have a year that's crazy busy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Life lately has been busy, but that's what I want, so I can't complain.  This past week, I walked the 5k event of the Flying Pig Marathon, but I walked it over 6 days because I walk so slow that it would take me two days to walk all at once.  It was a good feeling finishing it and it felt like I'm accomplishing things in life that no one ever thought were possible, and not to mention that I raised thousands of dollars for the RHC, which is a charity that helps people like me and families like mine with things like transportation, housing, employment, and much more, so it's a great cause and it felt awesome to know that I was helping other people.

I am relatively busy this month with 9 presentations (three of which are at night), so I'm happy that I'm still making a difference.

And the Bengals had a solid draft, plus there's talk of building an indoor practice facility, so all is good in life!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm Almost Famous!

Tomorrow, I'm presenting at a school in Cincinnati, and then, in the afternoon, I'm being filmed for a movie on drinking and driving for the part of it that's a documentary.  It's called CONSEQUENCES, and it's being filmed by a filmmaker that has made a few movies already, and it's going to be distributed nationwide, so hopefully it makes a difference to a lot of kid sand adults, and it wouldn't hurt if it spreads my name across the country and gives me the opportunity to travel some to present.

Then, on Thursday, I was asked to issue a statement for a press conference on a bill that is trying to be made into a law that would require D.U.I. offenders to blow into a machine in order to start their cars and then again periodically as they're driving.  I think it's awesome that they asked me to do this because this would be a big law and to be part of gaining support for it would be a different way to be successful in getting my message out.  Also, perhaps schools from down around Frankfort will see the press conference and be interested in having me come to present, so it would be killing a few birds with one stone.

I'm also starting a book soon, so we'll see how that ends up.

Anyways, all of that was just to point out that I'm almost famous!!  (wink wink, nudge nudge)  Joking, obviously, but I'm just glad that I'm involved in things that are important.   

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Staying Busy

Both of my brothers wives had baby girls, 24 minutes in two different states- one in Kentucky and one in North Carolina.  It feels like I'm part of both of them, which blows me away, not to mention that I'll be helping lead them through life.

I had three presentations scheduled this week, not to mention that I'm judging a chili cook-off Friday for the RHC, so it's a busy week, and I have presentations coming up in the weeks after this one, which, as busy as I am, I hope that I only get more busy and my calendar keeps filling up.

The RHC deal is because the RHC runs the Hope & Possibility 5k Run/Walk, which I walked last spring and I'm planning on walking again this year, but, this year, they asked me to be on the planning committee, so I've been busy being in charge of different parts of that.

It's been crazy, but I'm glad that I have a lot going on with my life because it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing more.